Thursday, July 14, 2016

Officers Elected for 2016-2017 Year

During our June 21st meeting we inducted our officers for the TM year starting July 1, 2016. The full slate of new and returning officers is listed below.
  • President:  Sue Mals
  • Past President: Anne Vincent
  • Vice President Education:  Jeff Blattner
  • Vice President Membership:  Tom Vu
  • Vice President Public Relations:  Ashley Moore
  • Secretary:  Kyra Zula
  • Treasurer:  Mark Lehner
  • Sargent of Arms:  Matt Barbera
  • Webmaster(*):  Randy Coates
(*) Not TMI officer; but critical for club success!

Pictured below in Top Row: Randy Coates (Webmaster), Kyra Zula (Secretary), Mark Lehner (Treasurer), Jeff Blattner (VP of Education), Ashley Moore (VP of Public Relations)
Bottom Row: Anne Vincent (Immediate Past President), Sue Mals (President), Tom Vu (VP of Membership)

District 13 Spring Conference, 2016

The District 13 spring conference was held April 23, 2016. Below is a photo of the "parade of banners" which celebrates each of the clubs in the district. 

Triple Crowns Awarded!

Toastmaster members work hard to complete projects in various Toastmaster manuals such as Competent Communicator and Competent Leader.  When a member can complete three projects within a given year it’s referred to as a Triple Crown. Monroeville Toastmasters Sue Mals and Kim Turner did just that in the 2015-2016 year. Fifteen District members were recognized at the District 13 Spring Conference on April 29, 2016. Imagine the effort to complete three manuals within a single year!   Great work Sue and Kim!

(Sue is pictured here fourth from the left.)